Friday 6 May 2011

The Famous Five wagon...

This is my latest job, and its the Wagon from the 1970s TV series of Enid Blytons 'Famous Five' and specifically I imagine the episode 'five go off in a caravan'!  This painting now all peeling and in need of restoration was by lovely Peter Ingram, and will be repainted by ME!! 
Finally earned enough money to pay for the porch brackets and get them sent in the post!  cant wait to have to time to start on these!  Its going to have to be a bit of gold leaf I think...copies of Watts of Bridgewater brackets on the travellers Burton Wagon.  Just realised too what a bugger they are going to be to paint!!!  on with the primer!!!!! :)

Sunday 1 May 2011

London trip provides inspiration

So much of the architechture in London was of the period of the victorian Wagon, I could plainly see the inspiration for the early carved wagons.  This is a couple of shots illustrating many more that I noticed during the day.

Carvings for the Burton Wagon!

Im so excited about getting the Carvings for the Burton wagon...I sent Wayne Harkus the pics of my preferred style (Watts of Bridgewater being the nearest wagon builders to my parts I went for their simple style, plus they always used the plainer "Chertsey style axle cases like mine) and he very cleverly carved them for me in amazing time! 

Bradford cart progress...

Here are some more pics of the progress last week before the Royal Wedding when I was hard at it in the garden trying to get it finished...have literally a couple of shamfors and just the green lining to do now on the unders.  The Shamfors were cut fairly deep for a small cart so I painted them a little differently to tradition, making the line on the outside much larger to break it up a little more evenly.