Sunday 17 July 2011

Started the shamfors on the wagon before it started raining so heavily!...then moved onto stuff I can do inside while the weather is bad, if it persists will have to chuck a tarp over the side as I did with the last wagon, could really do with a shed to be honest but beggars cant be choosers!  Painting shamfors is the bain of my takes so long, much longer than lining or scrolling.  Its so comforting to be back at it though, I LOVE IT. more pics to come. 

ps. wheels are done on the other wagon and carving ready to be painted...roof still waiting to be recovered (if anyone can recommend the best linen or light canvas for this job then please do)

1 comment:

  1. I think I should enjoy building a wagon and painting it..It looks to be the kind of soulful occupation that boatbuilding is/was when ships were made of wood and the men who built them made of steel.
