Tuesday 30 August 2011

THE LATEST on the Famous Five wagon...things are slowly moving forward.  Time is scarce having just graduated and the needing to earn money taking photographs too means that its one day on and one day off.  Really pleased with how its going though.  Typically for me I was not happy with the door which featured in an earlier post, so have painted over it ready to start again!  The wagon is the dark green colour it was when bought recently and the owners want to keep it as close to its original state as possible so colours choices are pretty limited but I have a little leeway...the weather boarding was a bitch to get back on once id removed it...not looking forward to doing it all over again on the back.  The most time consuming thing is the chamfers which takes aaaages!  Lacking in funds for gold leaf the owners have to make do with imitation gold instead, which I really like anyway and looks great once its weathered a bit.  

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